Wednesday, January 14, 2004 the end, its the silence that gets to me. No bus horns blaring. No rickshaws. No motorcycles bereft of silencers. No aza'an. No bustle of activity. No mass of humanity, gently undulating with that sound you can only get when a thousand voices are speaking at once. No beggars showering prayers on you at every intersection, regardless of whether you can spare some change. No telephones ringing away, demanding to be answered. No shouts of "(insert name here) PHONE!!!!!"
Just silence. Walk to your classes. Walk out of your classes. Goto your room. Study, eat, sleep, exchange a few conversations in the middle on everything ranging from philosophy to television, sparking life for a few seconds. Is a place really alive if you can't hear its heartbeat?

Over the sea and far away, I can hear something...

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