Saturday, June 19, 2004

i have no answers for you..
..answers, answers..always running, always searching, always claiming.
always running, never caring.
haha, haha.
drift, little barks tossed here and there in the perfect storm.

this does strange things to a perfectly (un)sound mind. what is a sound mind, in any case? couldnt find one better. all systems exactly where they're supposed to be, nice and proper.
a sound mind...capable of logical thought? dunno..not sure..each mind has its weakness, where logic goes flying out a cleverly disguised wall which is, in actuality, a window.
random association is always good.

i find it hard to explain how i got here..
i think i can,i think i can,
but then again i will falter,

nice verse. dream little doggie, dream.

spinning..tops..tops were always fun. used to play with mine for hours, outside in the driveway of C-23, islamabad.
islamabad: great place to live growing up, not such a great place to visit for extended periods. much lots of places to go on short also. many wild boars..not so cool. biking trails into wilderness..still cool.
and, ofcourse, ready access to the mountains. islamabad is like a springboard..its the first stop before you head off into the hills.

and we're all headed to the hills. where else would you go? its either the dizzy heights, or the sands of places you can't get any lower at..water gently lapping at your ankles. nathia gali, the hot and the cold one.

acha. that seems quite enough.

let it rain, let it rain..

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